31 Dec 2024
Solarispherean Mediations is now available!! You can check it out now on Bandcamp, Funkwhale
(via Open.audio),
Bandwagon.fm, and
Internet Archive!
The two tracks on this album represent the opposite ends of the spectrum for how I create. On one hand,
there is an original, unmodified guitar improvisation inspired by tone clusters. On the other, there
is the mutated and manipulated evolution of that recording. One captures what I played and how I felt
at a particular time and place while the other demonstrates what happens when I let my sonic brushes
touch the canvas. Both are inescapable parts of who I am.
4 Aug 2024
The Day After the End of Time is now available from Eg0cide
Productions! You can check it out on Bandcamp, Funkwhale
(via Open.audio), and the Internet Archive.
This is 4-track EP with a strong focus on minimalism. This time around, I was inspired to experiment with
no-input mixing after listening to various works by Failure Circle. Of course, the source material got
the Luciftias treatment. The last piece to be added was created by pushing what can be done with the
output from the image2sound utility I'm developing. Ironically, this was not one of the
planned releases I mentioned back in June so be on the lookout for more material in the near future...
30 Jun 2024
The Music page has been updated with information about a couple collaborative
efforts with Annihilist Provisional Disorder dating back to 2013/2014 as well as a compilation
appearance from last year.
In other news, I have multiple different releases on the horizon! One is an EP of sorts featuring more
guitar-based collaborations with my cousin, Caleb. The next builds on no-input recordings provided by
past collaborator, Florian from Eg0cide Productions. Another
incorporates a variety of techniques that hearkens back to the style of 2009's Textures album. Lastly, might be a
long-delayed album-length track recorded back in 2021!
1 Dec 2023
Added information about the newest album, Ambient Reflections For Solitary Explorers. Get it
from Bandcamp, Funkwhale (open.audio) or Archive.org!
25 Jul 2023
Updated styling of the site with Simple.css.
28 Jan 2023
Staring Into Oblivion is out and available from eg0cide
Productions (with a mirror on Bandcamp)!
22 Jan 2023
New site design in anticipation of the release of a newly completed album! Staring Into Oblivion
will contain 5 tracks and includes contributions from my cousin and previous collaborator, Caleb Beers
(Argedco Dosig g Manin
The Sin of
11 Nov 2022
Aside from the gradual transition from the WordPress site (Dronomancy) to this one here on Neocities, there are a
few scraps of news I can share. The details are still in very sparse at best, however, I would like to
report two collaborations are in the discussion phase. Each collaboration will be with someone with whom
I've worked in the past. (Hint: Think Symbiogenesis / Suspended Blades and
Argedco Dosig g Manin
/ The Sin of
Collaboration.) There's also a strong possibility of a new Luciftias
release on eg0cide at some point in the future.